Sunday, August 28, 2016

WALT skip by practising and trying hard.

We read the story Keep Trying.  If we wish to learn we need to have a go and keep trying.
We are having a go at skipping.

Read what the children think about skipping ....

When I skip you need to hold the rope properly and after I skip I feel exhausted.  I skip at home and at school because I have a skipping rope at home.

At home I have practised skipping with my sparkly, light-up skipping rope.
I am really good at skipping because I practise. I am proud of myself.

I hold the skipping rope properly.  When the rope comes to my legs i jump the rope.  I spin the rope.  I feel puffed when I skip but it gives me exercise.

I am getting better every time I skip.  Good skippers have their arms out beside their bodies.

I am getting good at skipping because i have practised a lot.

I can skip forwards. It is fun, very very fun.  So now I can skip at home.

I get puffed when I am skipping.

I hold my skipping rope wide.

I really like skipping.  I keep trying.

I can skip with an orange rope.


I jump over the skipping rope forwards and backwards.

We are learning how to keep well.