Friday, June 26, 2020

Sandpit Fun

Today we played in the sandpit. We are soon getting a brand new sandpit, so we will have two!

After we played, we wrote descriptions of sand together. This is what we wrote:

Sand is....
hard when you smack it
filled with tiny stones
dry and wet
real tingly

It falls out of your hands.

You can build stuff with it.
You can make sand balls.
You can break bad houses.
You can make big mountains.
You can build roads.
You can flatten it.
You can get messy with sand!
You can smash stuff with sand.

Sand makes us feel happy!

Friday, June 5, 2020

Autumn Leaves

Today we enjoyed beautiful autumn leaves in Moana.

Find your five most favourite leaves
Fallen down from autumn trees
Pick them up, but do not sneeze -
Or they will fly off in the breeze!

We each collected five leaves we liked. Then we made some mystery maths for them - counting veins, points, marks or other things we noticed, and getting friends to figure out what we had counted.

We made leaf art, did leaf writing and thought of words that described the leaves. (Some pretty awesome sounding out of new words too!)

What do you think of our leaf work?