Wednesday, November 23, 2022

What Makes Us Happy?

Today, we read Sad, the Dog, by Sandy Fussell. We talked about what made the dog happy and we thought about what makes us happy. Then we made these awesome pictures and descriptions of the things that make us happy. 

What makes YOU happy?

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

 We have been learning about dancing through the decades.

Check out the great masterpieces Moana class have produced about self-portrait dancers.


Wednesday, November 2, 2022

 Welcome back to Term 4. We are working very hard on our literacy in Moana.

The students are really trying hard to remember all the rules for spelling.

Here is a sample of all their amazing writing.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Mental Health Week - what to do if we feel angry or sad

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. We talked today about how to help ourselves calm down and feel better if we are angry or sad. These are some of the things we are getting good at doing:

  • When you are grumpy, you can count up to 5 and breathe deeply. - Emmi-Rose
  • When you are sad, you can hug something or someone. - Ardie
  • When you have got a really puffed heart, you can take a rest and drink some water. - Kyah
  • Put a smile on your dial. Things will be okay in the end. - Oscar
  • We can hug a tree if you feel sad. Or you can hug a ball. - Lyra
  • You can go in your room and calm down until you feel happy. - Ali
  • When you are sad, you can ask someone if you could play with them. - Leo

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

 What have we learned about fire safety?

When there is a fire go to the nearest exit.  -Oscar

I have learned how to get out of a house when it is on fire, and I know to stay low and get out fast and go straight to your meeting place.- Kyah

If there is smoke coming out of the hallway and we can't get out we go out the window. Don't go back inside.-Lyra

Never go back into the fire once you have escaped. Never play with matches.-Georgie

Never play with lighters. Ali

Never play around fires. Max

Never keep a lit candle close to a curtain.-Emmi

If you are on fire STOP, DROP and ROLL.- Leo

As soon as you get out of the fire and get to your safe place call 


Never overload your plug sockets. Never leave a pot handle sticking out from the stovetop, always have them facing inwards. Never leave a candle going at night, especially near the furniture.-Kailyn

Monday, August 22, 2022

 This is our shared story we wrote together this morning.

We have been learning all about fire safety.

This is Zac from Hokitika Fire Station he has been teaching us about fire safety.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

We have been doing some very cool play based learning.

We have been loving learning about the picture book 'Where the Wild Things are!!!

We created some very cool pastel and dye pictures.

As you know we are learning all about the Weather and Seasons. Check out these beautiful Autumn poems.

The younger students have been working on number groupings to 10. 

 We have also been doing some very cool art about autumn.