Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Numbers in Nature and Time in the Garden

 Moana students made patterns and number representations out of natural materials today.

They also did some weeding and vegetable-hunting in the school garden!

Monday, September 20, 2021

MOO-ana's MOO cows!

 We read some stories about cows and their MOOs today. Moo is one word, but it can be said in different ways to show different feelings. 

We each made a cow picture - each cow is doing something different. Imagine how their moos will sound?

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Animal and their colours.

 This term our overall theme is animals. We have been learning about the colours of different animals and why they have the colours they have. We then used our blending skills using pastels and then we dyed them.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Little Kiwi's Matariki

 At the end of  last term we read a lot of different stories about Matariki. Here are our responses to the story about Little Kiwi.

We used mixed media to create pictures of the Little Kiwi. Can you see how we painted bubble wrap to give texture to our pictures.

WE also made some lovely Matariki stars and enjoyed icing them and decorated them with hundreds and thousands.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Matariki Kites/ Manu Tukutuku

We have been learning all about Matariki and so we made some Manu Tukutuku (Matariki Kites).

Te Kinga students helped us to make them. We used flax/harakeke, bamboo, toi toi and wool.

It was great to have Te Kinga students helping the younger students. Tuakana Teina learning at its finest.

We also made some mixed media pictures based on the theme of Little Kiwi's Matariki.