Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Splashing down a hydroslide!

Today in Moana, we designed super fun hydroslides! Some of us drew our designs and some of us made them. 

When we had finished designing them, we wrote about them. 

Later, we pretended that we were going down hydroslides - we made the faces we would make when we splash into the water at the bottom.

Then we practised our pastel blending skills to make water. 

Our finished pictures look super-splashy, don't you think?

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

 We have been doing lots of collaborative learning; some of the Te Kinga students taught us some Maths games.

As you know we have been learning all about Water and here are some of the activities we have completed. We drew around puddles to see how much water was there was after an hour in the sun.

The water had evaporated due to the sun heating it up. The water had changed from a liquid to a gas; water vapor.

Ask your child to explain the water cycle.

We have been learning our alphabet sounds and high frequency in our daily 5 
Check out our learning in literacy.