Friday, May 29, 2020

Native Birds in our Area

Today is a special day - Leighton will be going with Shirley and some other students to a special event in Iveagh Bay, where we will hear about how birds will be more protected. So we all painted our favourite NZ native birds that we enjoy here. Do you like our amazing art and bird descriptions?

My pigeon can fly really high and he finds heaps of worms.

My tui is really fat because it’s been sneaking chocolate!


My bird is a fantail. It is sitting on a branch in the shade of the trees.


My bird can change colour. It is a fantail and it’s golden.


There are lots and lots of birds in the forest.


My fantail is flying.


My bird is landing on a big tree and it’s making music.

Hunter M

I saw a bird flying to the sky and I want it to be my pet but it’s not my pet.

It’s the one with pink feet - the kēreru.


My fantail loves eating seeds.

I heard one when I was on a bush walk with my mum and brother.

It was singing.


It’s a stormy night and kārearea is flying about. He’s looking for food and he fought with another kārearea. That’s why there’s scratches on his beak. His claws are good for grabbing his food.


Today I made a Tui. I made the colour blue and green. My favourite colour is green.

The colour of the feathers is camo.


This is the bellbird. It can fly and it sings nicely.


Thursday, May 21, 2020

Our Manky (and not so manky) Monsters!

We read the story about Morris, the Mankiest Monster today. He was REALLY DISGUSTING! We are so good at keeping clean now at school, washing our hands and not getting in each other's moist breath zones, so Morris was the opposite to us! (He could use a day of learning from us!)

We each designed our own monsters. Some are manky and some are not. Check out the awesome monsters we invented!

Monday, May 4, 2020

Home Learning Work up till 4 May

Look at what our Moana ākonga have been up to - lots of real life learning at home!

Hunter A has been baking up a storm!

Callum has been practising Maths, Writing and doing some cool pebble art!

Leighton is working hard on his Maths and Writing skills...

And Abby is concentrating hard with her work online, writing and Art!

Well done to these children. What have you been doing at home today?

Friday, May 1, 2020

Home Learning Work to 1 May

What great learning we are continuing to see our Moana students doing from home!

Leighton saw satellites from his bathtub, and also has been practising his maths:

Angus has continued to practise his number recognition and order, and also wanted to share two songs he knows:

What have you been up to?